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Blake Marcum, DVM, MS, DACVIM

Blake Marcum, DVM, MS, DACVIM


Dr. Blake Marcum, DVM, originally from Southern Illinois, embarked on an extensive veterinary education journey that eventually led him to specialize in the field of oncology. After earning his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree from the University of Tennessee, he dedicated himself to a four-year tenure as an Emergency Room (ER) doctor and general practitioner in Illinois. Driven by an unwavering dedication to combatting cancer in pets, Dr. Marcum expanded his knowledge and honed his skills through a rigorous residency in Medical Oncology at Purdue University. This specialized training equipped him with the expertise needed to navigate the complex terrain of cancer treatment for animals. Upon completing his residency, Dr. Marcum joined a prominent multi-specialty hospital in the Chicagoland area, where he continued to offer comprehensive oncology care to pets in need. Beyond the hospital walls, Dr. Marcum’s passion for animals and the outdoors shines brightly. He finds solace in activities such as running and exploring new parks, museums, and zoos, often in the company of his family. His commitment to providing the highest standard of care, coupled with his empathetic approach, makes Dr. Blake Marcum a trusted ally for pet owners facing the challenges of cancer in their beloved companions.

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